Greyscale photograph of Dr. Secular

Dr. Secular is an early-car­eer scholar with exten­sive exper­ience of soft­ware engin­eer­ing and high-per­form­ance com­put­ing. Al­ong­side research interests in quan­tum many-body phy­sics, the found­ations of quan­tum mech­anics, and quan­tum infor­mat­ion theory, he has broad­er inter­ests in science, com­put­ing, edu­cat­ion, equal­ity, philo­sophy, mod­ern his­tory, and the arts.

A grand­child of work­ing-class Irish im­mi­g­rants, Paul Secular was the first in his family to under­take post­grad­uate study. He suc­cess­ful­ly pass­ed his PhD in Math­ematics & Physics at the Uni­ver­sity of Bath in June 2024. His thesis, "Parallel Tensor Net­work Methods for Quan­tum Lattice Sys­tems: Matrix Product State Simu­lat­ions on a Super­com­puter", was super­vised by Dr. Sergey Dolgov (Bath) and Dr. Stephen R. Clark (Bristol). It is ded­icat­ed to the memory of his young­er brother, who passed away in 2020.